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Kona Abalone Canned 80g

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  • Overview
  • Kona Abalone Canned 80g 

    Kona Abalone Canned 80g belongs to Big Island Abalone Corporation (BIAC) that we, Vix Life, are honored to offer in Hong Kong. 

    Where does Kona Abalone come from? 

    Big Island Abalone Corporation (BIAC) produces Kona Abalone, a premium stock of Ezo (Japanese Northern) abalone, at a 10-acre aquafarm that is located on Hawaiis Big Island on the Kona Coast, near the Kailua-Kona International Airport. The abalone aquafarm is one of the largest in the world. 

    Who is Big Island Abalone Corporation (BIAC)? 

    Big Island Abalone Corporation was founded in 1997 and began selling abalone in 2001. It is a privately own company that operates a 10-acre aquafarm to serve the world market. After more than 15 years of research, intensive study, and experiments by the founders of the company, the aquafarm currently produces about 100 tons of live abalone per year and houses nearly five million abalone in its growout system alone. 

    Why choosing Kona Coast in Hawaii for farming Abalone? The Kona Coast of Hawaii was chosen as the ideal location to produce abalone for several reasons. First, the Kona Coast receives more sunlight per year than any other coastal location in the USA. Such sunlight is critical for growing large volumes of abalone food: kelp. Secondly, BIACs aquafarm has access to a constant supply of pure, cold, nutrient-rich seawater, pumped from a depth of 3,000 feet in the Pacific Ocean near the Kona Coast. This seawater is also essential for growing both Kona Coast Abalone and the kelp to feed the abalone. Lastly, Hawaiis location midway between Asia and North America allows to ship fresh, live abalone to markets on both continents. 

    All in all Kona’s proximity to the Pacific Ocean and its clear, pure water gives Big Island Abalone a leg up on its competition. 

    What can you expect from Kona Abalone Canned 80g? 

    This can contains 80g of fully cooked Premium Kona Ezo Abalone grown in super clean deep sea water on the Kona Coast from Big Island Hawaii U.S.A. 

    It contains 3 whole large abalone pieces in natural sea water, perfect to eat anytime.

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